look what you made me do

Cheetah Jacket " Look What You Made Me Do " Taylor Swift : Getting receipts ! I 'm gonna edit this later .
The video for " Look What You Made Me Do " video shattered streaming records after its world premiere on Sunday 's MTV Video Music Awards .
Just as " Look What You Made Me Do " showcased Swift 's new image , her latest shoot showed the fun and feisty style that summarizes her next record .
It 's like in her song Look What You Made Me Do : " I got smarter / I got harder in the nick of time / I rose up from the dead . "
This weekend the Look What You Made Me Do songstress plugged the album with an appearance on Saturday Night Live , which was hosted by Tiffany Haddish .
Taylor Swift 's diamond bath in the video for " Look What You Made Me Do " was filled with real jewels worth more than $ 10 million , it has been reported .
On her close bond with Swift , Gomez told KISS FM UK that the " Look What You Made Me Do " singer has been supportive of her career and kidney transplant recovery .
Taylor appeared completely relaxed as she spent a weekend with her family and friends at the wedding - after the release of the first single from her new album , Look What You Made Me Do , and its somewhat controversial music video .
The " Reputation " singer , of course , turned the attack into one of the driving themes of her new album , dressing up as the queen of snakes in the music video for the single " Look What You Made Me Do . "
Everything Taylor Swift Said to the Old Taylors in the " Look What You Made Me Do " Video Swift 's new music video for " Look What You Made Me Do " has a lot in it - but perhaps it 's most wow moment is at the very end , after the song ends .